If you are a literature lover and you are also interested in improving your Spanish language skills, then this post is for you! There are plenty of ways of improving your language skills, and reading Spanish books is one of the best and most rewarding. Can you think of anything better than learning new vocabulary, internalizing the language and discovering new stories at your own pace?

It’s quite important, to pick the right book according to your interests and level so you don’t get overwhelmed or worse, bored! Here are some tips that will help you decide which book to choose:

Be realistic: If it’s your first attempt reading a book in Spanish, do not go for Cervantes’ classic “El Quijote de la Mancha”! Pick something short that will make you gain some confidence before jumping into something longer.

Choose a topic you are interested in: It’s true that children’s books might be a good way of getting started, but are you actually interested in those stories? Simple doesn’t necessarily mean “for kids”. Research a little bit and go for a topic that will make you want to keep on reading!

Don’t stop at each unknown word: If you are challenging yourself, it is more than likely that you will bump into several words you don’t know. Don’t stop reading to search for each new word in the dictionary, unless it really doesn’t allow you to keep on going! Try to get the meaning through the context and little by little they will become familiar. Stopping every other word won’t help you to enjoy the story!

You can use a tablet or a good old-fashioned paperback, and make the most of your commute or just spend a lazy weekend increasing your vocab.

Do you need some suggestions? Here you go!


Mi Planta de Naranja Lima – Jose Vasconcellos

El Principito – Antoine de Saint Exupéry

El Túnel – Ernesto Sábato


Todo lo que cabe en los bolsillos – Eva Weaver

El niño con el pijama de rayas – John Boyne

Cuentos de Eva Luna – Isabel Allende


La luz que no puedes ver– Anthony Doerr

Y las montañas hablaron – Khaled Hosseini

El nombre del viento – Patrick Rothfuss

So pick a nice Spanish book and find a comfy place to read.

Useful Vocabulary:
Libro – book
Librería – bookshop
Biblioteca – library
Capítulos – chapters
La tapa del libro – book cover