On-Español uses the Common European Frame of Reference for languages to map out courses for all levels: beginners to advanced learners. Each course includes dozens of modules that cover reading, writing and listening – all through easy-to-use videos, audios, reading exercises and quizzes.

Online Spanish Courses
Courses for beginner to advanced students
Learn through videos, infographics and other interactive materials
Created by Spanish teachers with over 20 years' experience
Covers listening, reading, writing and speaking!
Learn Spanish, anywhere, anytime!
Receive a certificate on completion of your course
Video support every step of the way
Our teacher, Jaume, will explain each module in a clear and informative video
Focus and structured learning
Each course is designed so you learn vocabulary and grammar specific to your level
Use on any device
You can learn Spanish on your mobile phone, your tablet or your PC.
Internationally recognised standards
Content created according to the European Framework of Reference.
Downloadable content
Take your notes with you wherever you go with our downloadable infographics.
Study according to your level
Take our level test and keep moving forward to improve your Spanish.
Check out our blog!
Bag a Bargain with Spanish Sales Vocabulary
The countdown begins for this year’s winter sales! From chollo to descuento, we’ll tell you the…
Top 20 Non-Material Gifts ideas for Christmas
Usually, everyone worries about finding the right gift and looks in shops for whatever book, scarf...Spanish for Beginners: Where to Start
Learning a foreign language is always an exciting adventure and Spanish is one of the most…