When learning a language, one of the most difficult things to learn are expressions. In Spanish we use lots of them, and for someone who is not a native speaker, you can really impress someone by using them casually in conversation. In this post we will explain and practice eight Spanish food expressions! If you are a big fan of the Spanish gastronomy, then it is probably going to be very easy for you to associate them to yummy things and remember them with little effort. Let’s get started!

  • Ser un chorizo: This expression is used when referring to a thief. Someone who takes away something that doesn’t belong to them. Let’s see an example: “Él tiene fama de ser un chorizo”, “he has the reputation of being a thief”.
  • Ser pan comido: When something is very easy, then you say that it is “pan comido”. Check out the example: “El examen de inglés fue pan comido” “The English exam was very easy”. The person who said that probably got a 10!
  • Ser del año de la pera: Expression used to say that something is very, very old. For example: “Esa impresora es del año de la pera. Ya no funciona”, “That printer is very old. It doesn’t work anymore”.
  • Ser la pera: To be very cool! It is always used as a compliment. For example: “¿Tú organizaste todo esto? ¡Eres la pera!”, “Did you organize all of this? You are awesome!”
  • Estar de mala uva: To be in a mad mood. Take a look at the example: “Lo han dejado plantado así que está de mala uva”, “He got stood up, so he is in a bad mood”.
  • Importar un pimiento: This expression is used to say that you don’t care about something or someone. Example: “Él ya no quiere salir conmigo, pero me importa un pimiento: ¡hay miles de hombres por ahí!”, “He doesn’t want to go out with me anymore, but I don’t care; there are plenty of men out there!”
  • Dar una torta: To slap or hit someone. “Le dio una torta por gritarle”, “He slapped him for shouting at him”.
  • Dar calabazas a alguien: This expression is used when someone gets stood up or when someone invites a person out and gets no for an answer. Example: “La invité a salir pero me dio calabazas”, “I asked her out but she said no”.

Do you know any other expressions related to food? Share them with us!

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